~ two

General - "Question.  Is the story necessary ?  Like it has to be written or what-not ?  Some kind of ... 'book magic' ?"

Writer - "No.  Not at all.  Tools in reach.  I improvise.  We were active long before now.   The tales became a means to an introduction between us, so we can have this conversation right now."

"You have to understand, we've reached a crossroads.  The problem is, the more we take care of for you, the more control we're left with.  And we don't want that.  And I don't want the responsibility for it, to be honest."

"We want a solution which precludes that specifically but right now, we have a giant ass Dyson sphere wrapped around the Earth protecting it from every single thing we can.  It was put up to deflect an asteroid.  It did."

"And now, without it, we'd fry in the sun.  Right now."

"What we can't do here, we have to find a way to do there.  So the problem isn't just that we're left with the power, but also that we're constantly in a position to have to evolve more."

General - "I get it.  It means your tech keeps on growing, making it all that much more it's own system of control."

Writer - "Yes.  Each situation we resolve, and it only leads to another.  It's where they all start, General.  Every false god, every populist.  Solving problems.  We don't want it."

Keeper - Smiling up from her book, "History's secrets are here Pontifex.  All the missing pieces, I'm a reader.  And the secrets of your own tales too.  You ask of Heaven."  She giggle staring, "You ask of yours ?  The Heaven of Yaldabaoth.  Would you like to know what my father found there ?"


Jamestown site, unfounded.

Keeper - (voiced over into next scene) "He found a sphere."

The British fleet approaches the mainland at night, Morgans fleet circling behind, decks filled with cloaks in silence.  On the shore the Paspahegh tribe line with rifles ready.

('Gotta Lotta Love' (this cut) by Ice T)

Morgan - Voiced over, after the music dialogue, with the intro, "She said I'd only see her where my life becomes myth.  That she was only a story to be one day told of me, and nothing more.  She told me so much.  She's not let me down.  And here they are, just like she said they'd be."

Swimmers dip silently from their black ships unseen ...

Music through the deck battles.
Keeper - "Even in Heaven a clock must be wound.  A clockwork machine mirroring the universes, exacting influence, it requires power.  Raw power."

"And Yaldabaoth had none."

"Before the naming, before time or more properly outside of it, there was an unknown soul, very powerful, and so he broke her.  Unknown the shards, how many, or where, he sent them out into time and space."

"As a fractured soul, these fragments will always be drawn back to one another.  But in the experiences of life, they differentiate, both attracting and repelling each other simultaneously, as pieces no longer fitting the puzzle they were made for."

Pontifex - "I understand what you say, but what do you mean by it ?  You speak of a power to mimic God's in Heaven ?"

Keeper - "A spirit is at it's core electromagnetic.  A singularity.  When these shards are drawn back, yet repelled, a force is generated, as the space between repellent magnets, held close."

~ A fractured sphere, held as power core in mechanism, observed by nameless and Mikal, the tear revealing it behind them from the ruptured throne.

"This is the force of your Heaven, Pontifex.  The once held power of Yaldabaoth, whose lack you now feel and have felt.  Why the world changes."

Pontifex - "And where is it now ?", suspiciously knowing already the answer, "This ... power ?"

Keeper - Smiles understanding, "In Sanctuary of course.  Yes. We search for the identity of this spirit, and a way to heal her."  Touching the book ... "This was not the only page torn, but there are copies transcribed.  Clues.  I seek them."

Writer - "So aside from that trap of power, really, there is no problem except that people seem hell bent on making us your new gods and we're trying to avoid that.  Personally I've already got all the 'power' I need."

General - "Wow.  Just went all the way straight to it."

Writer - "I've taken down cults.  Crazy things.  Things unimaginable.  Things one doesn't want to think us capable of.  But we are.  And they always do go bad.  I've seen.  And I don't want it.  People will make their own saviors and enable the madness all the way down, just to crucify their own guilt."

General - "Is that why you always keep distance ?"

Writer - "Partially.  Also because I do.  Different worlds."

General - "So is Sanctuary 'your world' ?

Writer - "Tore it from the chest of a false one god named 'Yaldabaoth'."


General - "Understood."

Writer - "Some deal in things you can't take with you, I deal in things you can.  Long haul.  That's where it started.  Randomly.  As always."

Nocturne and Doe wander the museum near the service corridor behind the curtain, she slips he hand in on the touch pad, it unlocks.

Doe - "Nice."

Nocturne - "Heee ..."

In a dark barroom she sits across the table from a security worker off duty, taking shots.  They drink and slam down.

Nocturne - "High five !"

He does ... she slaps hard, knocking his arm back, her glove glows slightly.
Guard - "Ow ..."

Nocturne - Getting up, "You're such a dumbass."  She turns to leave and falls over.

She slips past the curtain while he 'looks inconspicuous', the door closes quietly.  He looks around, then leans on the wall and lights a cigarette.

('Peek-A-Boo' by Siouxsie and the Banshees)

Security watches the monitors of the deep underground bored.  A team of Papal guards march beneath the view, Nocturne marching behind exaggerated, unnoticed.

He drops his sandwich and gets on the comm.

The lead guardsman adjusts his earpiece and slowly turns, as all then do the same.

Security watches Nocturne walk past as they all turn the wrong way.
He yells into the comm, they turn back seeing nothing.  They look up at the cam confused.

Another team marches.

She taps a guardsman on the shoulder, then turns ducking the view, weaving between she does to one after the other.  All turned, a firecracker goes off down the direction they're looking, they run after while she sets C4 to the hinges on the door a few feet away.

Security yells ...

And explosion behind as they turn, the door slams from the ground back to it's frame.

Security watches Nocturne weld the door ... he looks up to appeal.

They blow the door and rush, pistols drawn, sighting her in the smoke, they shoot.

Security shakes his head 'no'.

The smoke settles.  A poster from 'The Gaslight Invasion Principle'.  They tear it down in rage and C4 drops the ceiling twenty feet ahead, blocking the way.

Security's on his cell laughing and gesturing at the screens ...

They work through the rubble pulling pistol, a door slams ahead.  They compose and rush to the sound of another muffled explosion behind it, now not budging.

(song over)

Nocturne sprays an aerosol across the room, showing the laser rips everywhere.

Nocturne - "God !  It stinks like museum in here."  She throws down the Lysol can and walks through the lasers.

Security guy shakes his head watching on the monitor.  Looks over to the cam of the Papal Guard bashing against the door.  Other side of the door blocked by cave in cam.

He leans back in his chair and lights a blunt.

Lucretia - On comm as Nocturne approaches the center, "You ... do have an exit strategy, yes ?"

Nocturne - "Of course I do !  Always with the underestimations ... so.  I'm looking at a spear tip.  Or something.  Why."

Lucretia - "We already have the Spear of Destiny.  That makes no sense.  It's corporeal wouldn't generate anything substantial."

Security guy watches ...

Nocturne - Examining it (blocking cam view), the structure which supports it at the base, tubes running up to the ceiling ... "Lucretia, this is ... not the right period for that."

Security guy - Chuckles to himself while eating sandwich, "Non stercore."

Nocturne - "And I think it's from an engine, but sharpened ... ?"

Lucretia - Watching at her tree through the same cam view, "Just grab and go."

Nocturne - "You're my fucking hero.  Did you know that ?"  The sound of hissing pipes and alarms.  "Always were !"

Lucretia - Watches the mapping system triangulate, then looking up, "... really ?"

~ An underground explosion near the obelisk.  Tourists stop, looking around, prepared for a quake.

Nocturne - Muffled on Lucretia's comm, "Yah !  You're like my almighty goddess of awesome !  Total girl-crush too.  Doe doesn't mind."

~ Another explosion ...

Lucretia - "Ummm ..."  The three maps sync, a ping.

Nocturne - More muffled, "No !  It's cool !  Everyone already knows you have a crush on Lucifer."

Lucretia - "What !?"

Near the base of the obelisk, a vertical tunnel above rubble, Nocturne flips the C4 detonator.

~ A hole in the ground drops near the obelisk with a boom.  Three smoke grenades pop out to panic, she mixes out with the running crowd.  Doe's engine revs nearby, she turns to it running as the obelisk falls behind.

General - "Question.  Why do you say 'you', when talking about 'us' ?  People."

Writer - "General.  I don't own a car.  I've never had an identification card, nor have I had a bank account since I was a child.  I go years without touching money at all.  I mean 'you'.  Who live live in that world.  And that's pretty much everyone who can.  But more specifically I mean it as a representative of my people."
Keeper - "Some information was recovered through Abognazar's Solomon, then tracked through the Reformation Grimoires, and it seems that while the creation of your Heaven was secret, the creation of your Hell was made doctrine."
The chapel shifts violently to an angle, keeper braced by the table against her chair arms, Pontifex sliding back to a close shelf behind.

Keeper - "Ah.  We've reached the mountain."

~ The chapel climbs stumbling up the mountainside.

General - "About that.  No ID.  Agency kids had some questions.  Thirty years an adult.  No ID, no bank, no cell.  No record.  Disappearing for years at a time, but you've rented numerous apartments.  Three colleges, managed businesses.  Last time you were arrested you got off for first offense.  It absolutely was not.  How ?"

Writer - "Magic.  General.  Thirty years tested.  I improvise."


General - "So you think that's why these spirits respect you ?  Because you forego all these things ?  And use this ... magic ?"

Writer - "They respect me because they choose to but they mostly know me because they're squatting on my fucking land, actually.  It grew fast."

General - "In your mind ?"
Keeper - Knees braced against the table and holding the book in the tipped incline over, "There's a reason Hell was not in your books before then, so we go older than that."
"You wish to know what assails you, your church.  The innocents have been released Pontifex.  Your Hells have been broken and your Heavens are found false."

Writer - "I do see where you're going with this and that's fair.  No.  It's external.  I don't 'hear ghosts' at all.  Honestly.  I've never seen a damn thing not even on mushrooms ... acid ... I tried."

"But I am empathic.  Took a long time to realize I was sensing more than the room.  Longer to come up with a way to translate.  The rest ... they respect what I do."

General - "And because you're their landlord."

Writer - "Pretty much.  They've got it good."
"While you are just another golden cow.  Your spell over the people, broken.  Exactly as told in your very own Book."

Writer - "The heart of the problem is just that it's time.  The decision of our fate.  The defining battles.  End or beginning.  And our people, theirs and mine, are absolutely ready."

"But ours, yours and mine, are absolutely not."

"And as much as we have to do for you, is the power we will have thereafter.  We want none of it.  But we will win.  All of us.  Nonetheless."

General - "So what if it's supposed to be yours ?  Why not.  Maybe that's 'the big plan', right ?  That's what our tales say."  Slipping to sarcasm, "That some guy was just gonna 'come along' and save our day for us ?"  Laughing.

Writer - Laughing, "I'm an anarchist.  If people could actually take care of themselves, sure.  Add it to the deeds.  Got just about everything else but again.  That's the problem.  And I take it all with me."
A random book stumbles from the shelf, the keeper giggles ~

Keeper - Leaning over as for a secret, "I think the writer didn't consider this part.