~ three


~ 1697 ~


The last Mayan capitol

Martín de Ursúa's fleet approaches the city, an island connected to mainland by roads.  Guns and lines in the hills are prepared as Morgan's fleet rounds the isle, buffered by the British ships taken.

('Victory Lap' (this cut) by Nipsey Hussle)

Morgan - Voiced over, as before, "She told me everywhere I needed to be.  Everything necessary.  How many times she's done this ... again and again ... until now."

"It was all so long ago."


Music through the open sea battle, cannon from shore.

At the bar patio, late afternoon.

General - "So what about God ?"

The writer chokes sipping, "Jesus Christ" with the spill, the General bursts out laughing.

General - "Yeah.  Him too. Where's He in all this ?"

Writer - Laughing, "I don't know.  Think I might have met him once.  Either.  Maybe both the same."

(true story)

"I was angry.  Probably something in the news, another horror, another time asking 'how could a good God allow' ... something.  I'd had enough. Pulled my good knife and held it to the sky, "Bitch bring it."

"And I told you I don't 'hear things', but it was a thing I knew very specifically that I can go around the next corner to do that."

"Turned the corner and there He was.  This giant mountain of a man.  Gear perfect.  Not a pouch sagging, not one without purpose, pack high on a back that could carry 200 pounds like we'd carry a school bag."

"My hand on the hilt, He looks at me, downward mind you, and I look up, He says "Mm-hm."  Keeps on walking."

"Understand this is exactly the kind one doesn't want to fight, but that wasn't it."
Keeper - "It was the fall of a demon which broke your walls.  The destruction of a Hell found in another situation entirely.  One which should not have been related, but apparently was.  You'd be amazed the secrets revealed to us in this way."

"That this fall made your crimes before God seen.  Destroyers of innocents.  Corrupted and unholy, spread far across the land."  She turns the page and looks up with a stare, "As always written it would be."

Pontifex - "That is not ..."

Keeper - "Proselytizing."

Writer - "He's a traveler.  When I saw that, I saw it all."

"He created a world with free will so that He could be 'not' omniscient.  Free will is the heart of the chaos and entropy which drives the entire universe as we experience it, all of us.  Life."

"So He created life to be free, and He left the throne behind to explore it.  The curse of knowing everything.  To never grow.  That's what the man before me was looking for.  To grow.  To adapt.  To be pushed."

"I have no idea if He's coming back or even prefers this world to another by now.  I think Heaven on Earth is what we make, or Hell if we chose it."

"And I think if there's to be a second coming of a Christos, it will be when we've earned it.  The same for an Anti-Christos.  I really don't know those things more than anyone else.  Just lots of reasons to believe."

"And the man I saw, I turned back to look and of course He was gone.  He just had to drive that one home ... but I think He knew that as long as He sat on throne, neither He, nor we, could ever be free."


General - "So what'd He look like ?"

Writer - "Nope !"

General - "Awww ..."

Writer - "Brother in the field, whatever else He may be."

General - "So what about the throne itself.  You said He abandoned it."

Writer - "It's destroyed."  Laughing, "That was the first fucking tale man !  Keep up !  But whatever one could have done with it, whatever Yaldabaoth was doing with it, is over."

The general stares at him.

Writer - "I did loot the prototype when I killed him though yeah."

~ The chapel climbs.

Writer - "It seems to belong there.  I think Sanctuary may be the prototype to go with it.  I found it closed.  No one else has ever been able to sculpt it, aside from I assume whomever created it."

"Stories say either God or the Seraphim Razil.  Raziel.  Beyond that, honestly, people and spirits, gods and ghosts, have told me I'm so many things ... I kind of don't care anymore."
Keeper - "We've left Sanctuary.  Did you know ?  Your safety is your own now and I can only speak for you so far.  These are warriors.  Dwarvenkind."  She smiles, "I've naught to fear from any, but you do.  Should you expect more honors than you've earned, in a place like this."

('Eyes without a Face' by Billy Idol)

The Ezekiel Machine walks a broad desert, nameless standing on top (he's about half the size of the nose on the human face), holding his sheathed sword (the same as the magistrate's).  Ahead a fortress, simple square wall structure with raised corner.  at the center a pyramid, an eye set at top.

See dollar.

As the machine walks on it's four legs, gusts of sand in the wind brings a wave of Er'elim (warrior angels) in the sky, another brings Sanctuary soldiers behind him marching with their machines, another the dragons intermingling, fliers taking to sky.

The eye watches while the demons turn to face the march.  In the pits below they gather almost bored, dragging for battle, forming the line from the gate.

On the Sanctuary line, the wave continue gathering.  Airships port in over turtle walkers, gathered monsters and myths, tribute armies from around the world.

The lines charge.

Lightning streaks across the sky in Nocturne's arrival.  She sends an electric wave of shadow selves killing through the field to clear the way for the Ezekiel Machine still walking, nameless still atop.  Charging dragons join with them, the forward airships grouping fire.

Greater demons pull from the ground, giants to buildings, swinging down the closest fliers, while Sanctuary summons their own.  Accusations of betrayal and hissing across the field high over the tiny march as they pull sword and grapple.

The machine walks, nameless staring forward to the target, a greater demon tries to swipe, grappled down to a tumble by another.  Fliers swarm, intercepted by Er'elim.

Nearing the wall, nameless sees the eye through the chaos, just briefly between.  He throws his sword into the ground before the pyramid.

Time slows, loud wind as the armies roll in battle, slow lightning across the wall shattering, he closes his eyes and inhales.  The eye stares.

He whips out his arm and pulls from toward the eye to himself, leaping from the machine.  As he's pulled directly toward the eye, he flies straight, time slow.  The greater reach to stop him too slow, the fliers cross behind, he channels the straight line seen through the chaos.

Then nearing, the sword pulls from the ground to his hand, the return to time whip-lashing him as a bullet through the eye.

The pyramid peak falls crashing back to it's base, crumbling it.

A blast across the field, the destruction wave.

The blast fades to the setting sun, bar back patio, the writer and general smoking with their drinks.

Writer - "You know I've met a lot of people who believe in reincarnation.  They usually consider it a choice.  A lot of them are kind of like all these people talking about leaving America, now that it's getting hard times.  Never returning."  He drinks annoyed.

General - "Fuck that.  Sounds nice."

Writer - "Agreed.  I'm in for the long count.  Coming back.  Every time.  Hitting harder.  This is where I'm from.  This is where it's at.  Abandoning neither."

General - "So ... Heaven ?"

Writer - "Fuck that.  Sounds nice.  Heaven's for pansies and Hell is for bitches."

They hold high and drink.


Two shots of gin are brought and thanked for.


General - "So it's the 'big end times' then, huh ?"

Writer - "Oh yeah.  The big 'to do'."


General - "That's how the the intel adds up too."

Writer - "I'm ... sure it does."


General - "No one's actually happy about that."

Writer - "I'm sure they're not."


Writer - "Personally I'd thrive in any apocalypse I survived.  I just care about people too damn much to enjoy it."

General - Considering before the glass, "Hm."

They stare at the sunset ... burst out laughing.  Glasses clink and drink.

The chapel reaches the platform, Gwynn-wera (Guinevere) and her guards wait with Morgan and the librarian.

('O-o-h Child' by The Five Stairsteps)

Credits as they watch the settling chapel, the Orson nearby with crew watching, Andromeda's dragon distant.

The End

~ after credit ~

They drink in the last sunset.

General - "So what about the walking stick ?  They recorded everything you know."

Writer - "Oh I do know.  That's why I said it."

General - "Yeah ... getting that.  So what about it.  You said you 'tore Death's Walking Stick from his own dead hands'."  A laugh. "And you really don't look your age."

Writer - Orders two rum and thanks, "We'll see how that turns out over time.  It's my sword now, but I still call it 'Death's Walking Stick'."

General - Looks at him a moment. 


General - The pen.

Writer - ... "What ?"

General - "The pen !"


They break out laughing again and drink.

(mixed with the laughter, whispered audibly)

Librarian (from The Scribe) - "Her name was Sophia."