Santa Claus is Gonna Kick Yer Epilogue

~ epilogue ~

A couple wakes in their bed, gun-blade to them, Santa crouched over ~

Santa - "Yes ... it's me again. So I saw what you bought this year ... and I am not impressed. Apparently you've not seen ... the list."

He unravels a scroll.

Santa - "Says nice."  Rolling it back up, "I would have brought the 'cheap bastard' list except it's too damn big but rest assured that you are on it."

He backs out to the window.

Santa - "So I put down a few toys ... and you know what to tell them.   Say it."

Parents - "... they're from Santa ..."

Santa - "That's right."  He turns to the window and pauses, "And ... those were some very good cookies this year.  Thank you, Madame President.  I will see you ... at the party."

Man - "What the fuck ..."

Santa - "You and your damned raisin cookies, that's what."

Woman - "They're an insult."

The man looks at her, she looks back.

Woman - "They are !"

Back to the window, he's gone, a ! Whump ! sound and a flash.

('Feels like Summer' by Childish Gambino)

A drive to the mall ... Doe's imagination soaring down the road ... trailing into the darkness, a flickering fire.

Doe as an adult at marketplace bonfires, Timepiece and crew, the beach in view. The priest blesses the soldiers and police as they walk into the water.

Beef walks up behind and hands him a beer (Dead Guy Ale).

Beef - "Happy X-Day."

Doe - "Hiya Beef." He pops the top and takes a drink. "Hey ... remember that one time we were kids and I kicked your ass in the snow ?"

Beef - "Every fuckin' year ..."

Doe hands him the blunt.

Nocturne - To Doe, "So ... do you like your present ?"

Doe - Opens the box and puts on the ring, takes her hand with one matching, "I do."  Fade to the black night.

~ ! The End ! ~

 ('Do You Wanna Go Our Way' (live) by Public Enemy)

(black screen through the beat box)

One sock tied to the shifter.

One to the door.

A machete wedging the pedal.

Half a tank of gas.

~ the credits ~

When the music starts, split-screen.

The hula dancer dances while the truck crashes through the woods and across intersections on the left, the lady with the money bag walking on the right with the credits.

She stops at a couple of steam-clowns dancing around a boom box with a hat on the ground, raises a brow, drops a handful of money in each hat.

! Joyous dancer arm waving !

~ The truck crashes through dragging barbed wire and weeds on it's way, the gas being spent, socks holding.

She gets a cup of coffee and tips another handful.  Everywhere she goes, the grocer, people on the street asking, everywhere.

~ The truck runs out of gas at the beach, the hula bobble staring into the sunrise ...

She tosses the empty bag into the trash, goes up to her apartment and puts on the TV ...

(Rudolf is never seen)

~ after credit ~

('Gin and Juice' cover by Coffey - a random find !)

Trucker Bob pulls into a truck stop, new rig. He walks by another truck with 'Trucker Mabel' painted on the door. He exhales hard, straightens his hat and vest and heads for the door.

Inside, the music on-stage, he sits down at the bar next to her.

Trucker Bob - "Uh ... how ya doin' Mabel ?"

Trucker Mabel - "Go to hell !"

(! Wedding bell sounds !)

In a motel room with bullet holes patched, a man tries to sleep while the wall bangs from their creaking spring bed, parts of the wall and ceiling falling.


Off in the farmlands, Mabel's truck pulls from their driveway past a tiny pink pedal truck, 'Trucker Brat' painted on the side.

Trucker Bob sleeps ... then eyes suddenly open.

Santa - Standing over him with his gun-blade pointed, "Hello Bob.   We meet at last."

~ screams in the night ~

"Oh ... My ... God ... you're ... !!! REAL !!!"