~ three

~ Chapter One ~ part three ~

('Sentimental Journey' by Doris Day)

Deep in the ocean a mist of bubbles and flotsam, swimming through is a plesiosaur. 

~ High in the sky a pterosaur flies, circling an island in the Pacific.

Plesiosaur approaches the wrecked destroyer, cracked at the bottom as it's hull shifts in the bubbles.

~ More pterosaurs join, pterodactyl circling the greater fliers in their descent, some plunging at the shores.

A carrier hull is lifted by a massive squid past the plesiosaur in it's descent.

~ A B-17 flies over as a pterodactyl slams itself to the net hidden Warhawk fighter, jolting it in dust and debris.

The destroyer shakes as it's pieces snap together, deck crew awakening from the covering silt as it begins to rise over a rolling tank on the seafloor.

~ The air-wing flies over as the ships start breaking surface, converging in a path to the arena in the gathering winds behind, fighter planes' shadows rising underwater.

 (directly out of the previous as the planes leave the water)

('Fists of Love' by Big Black)

The ghost planes form up over the ships below, more converging from behind.  Their speed carries with the wind and pulls at it as they approach the Naval fleet.

Unseen but felt in gusts the sweep past the fleet, and toward the arena.  The launched Hornet note the radar ghosts, a gust shakes the wing, pilot spots the B-17 between clouds then gone.

General - Cycling through views on the data pad, "What am I seeing here ?"

Aedera - "What you would not otherwise."

General - "This is Sanctuary's army ?"

Aedera - Smiles, "No.  Ancestor soldiers having formed the Honor Guard, to continue to serve humanity.  They do not show up for all of our battles, or even many.  This time, they do."

General - "And the dinosaurs ?"

Aedera - "Dragons."

General - "These are ... dragons ?"

Aedera - "Yes.  What you would call dinosaurs ghosts.  An honor guard of a different time.  Hunters as well, come together as they choose.  They give their will to your ghost ships."

General - "And the point ?"

Aedera - "Which ?"

General - "They're ghosts.  What can they actually do ?  In field.  No offense."

Aedera - "Indeed the demonstration.  But to clarify, they effect chaos.  Where the odds may go either way, they will go yours in all the tiniest ways multiplied to exponent.  They as well bring a natural chaos to any target system, as noted in the ripples of their wake."

General - "For what ?"

Aedera - "To defeat the enemy's spirit before the bullet.  And for their machinery, what can go wrong, it will.  Everything.  And for allies, it will not."

General - "Allies."

Aedera - "As the Honor Guards are to us, we would be to you.  We hunt.  And we often find that our quarry is found among the evils in your world, where you as well, hunt.  These ways we show you now, they have used against you for a very long time now."

General - "That ... is disconcerting, but I have to say we are not universally comfortable with the armor concept."

Aedera - "Who would be ?  It is for trust, a day.  These armors will protect you from what you cannot see, and even help to see, where there's talent.  And to fight them.  Deployed per mission, then retracted."

~ Profane wars take over an amusement park, dragons charging on the ground, airships above, Aedera narrates ~

"You see when we go to battle, these beasts swarm in droves, covering your regions and forming their biospheres atop your own.  Battles are fierce and unseen."

~ A beast falls heavily, bringing a crashing wind carried into a normal world view of a swirling wind, a sign flickers out just past.

"But felt."

~ Street walkers get a brief chill as the fading army charges through, a few glance to see where something was, seeing nothing.

"There are storms and chaos, and even a confusion as it passes, but it do must pass."

General - "Why ?"

Aedera - "All of your evils general.  And if your tales are true ?  If indeed your hearts may be pure yet beset ?  We do not know.  But we do when the slavers in your hollywood were found, the first act was to hunt the demons, and that's how your world began to change."

Around the city arena, the beasts begin to appear, attracted to the nazi clowns.

General - "That's what caused all this ... across the world ?  A 'demon hunt' ?"

Aedera - "Yes.  But you should know they aren't intrinsically bad, or evil.  Like you.  Only the ones who are.  Evil attracts evil, forming a biosphere, as you see here now.  We've trapped them."

The gathering beasts begin to roar at the surrounding crowds, the crowds roaring back in view passing the stadium in full around the gathering Profane Beasts.

('Eat the Rat' by DJ Lord & Chuck D)

(camera styles inspired by DJ Lord's turntables)

Gijo sits in her chair over the world, peers into the scope as it sights a storm beginning to twist far south of the arena. 

The entire globe turns around the Earth as she gears it north, appearing as though she scrolls the world. 

Zooming while it turns, sight past a E-3 Sentry (AWACS), a flock of pterosaurs and crusty warplanes over ghost ships, toward the arena.

Target zooming to the Marine 62nd lading craft, Army Ospreys following from decks further out.

Further north, the gathering nazi clowns ...

More nazi clowns load into their candy colored cars, vehicular weaknesses marked by target, start forming for attack.

Gijo cycles southward, watching as the nazi clowns form line in prone on a hill at the waterfront, landers sighted.  A clip accident falls out in the line, the nazi clowns struggle to load with their big dumb gloves.

The view pans 60 degrees with a distant skyscraper in pivot, from our sight to the unseen beasts crawling up to watch the Marines near beach head.

60 degrees back and to an Osprey as the back hatch opens, soldiers readying.

60 up from that point the military fades to the ghost fliers, guns loading in triangulation around each osprey they protect in threes.

180 over to behind the nazi clown as it nervously shakes the clip back in, slapping with a honk.  Out to the clowns lean in, over-swaying SUVs moving behind for the beachfront road.

Pivot 60 on lead vehicle, fading our reality to profane, the nearby sky scrapers lined with beasts.

60 back to the nazi clowns pouring to the road.

180 over to the bay view of Marines preparing, Ospreys slowed overhead, ghost planes and raptors gathering behind.

Back up to Gijo moving the view to the beach and firing.

The Marine bay doors drop while the blast hits.

Massive turtle like walker machines loom over the deploying line, protecting the soldiers from air assault as the beasts swarm over, ghost tanks emerging from the water.

Gunners filing the backs of the walkers open up while warriors leap over the soldiers to swarm the nazi clowns, heavy mortar firing from the centers.

A wing of ghosts fires through the cloud of swarming beasts, clearing for the osprey seen with another pivot. 

A tank fires, taking down a building's corner ahead, pivot to the beast losing it's footing, Osprey approaching.

The warriors reach the desperately firing nazi clown line, a beast shot from over by a turtle cannon. 

The ghost soldiers pierce with their blade arms, dragging souls from bodies while aim is lost before falling to the Marine advance, turtle walking covering over.

In 8 bit screen, the many Nocturnes bounce on their heads.  Doe following, shooting what's left.

Pivot to the soldiers view clearing a panicked line, Osprey overhead dragging their fast ropes through, Army descending in a circumferential grenade barrage.

To a turtle gunner laughing at the cartwheeling nazi clowns from the blast, ghost planes sweeping over to attack a beats leaping from a building top to the Osprey. 

The plane jolts a bit from the beast landing, then cleared panel when shot off.  Above, a B-17 drops it's bombs down the lane ahead of the Osprey troops deploying in lines down the blocks. 

Dealer Mike kicks his feet cheering while playing the Game-Brick ...

View past the deployments from Osprey in long row for blocks into the city, their shoulder cannons firing, hunters seeking.  Far past following the B-17 bombing the road between to Alpha and Delta teams firing, E3 flying high over, the general's drone lowers in behind them.

The turtle walkers at the beach continue in row, the soldiers with Abrams clearing a wide path, the turtle walkers clearing the heavy surrounding beasts.

Battle rages into the credits, end chapter one at the clearing of the beach head, walkers stilled in row, the setting sun.