Santa Claus is Gonna Kick Yer Three

~ part three ~

The car skids a turn through the destruction ...

Nocturne - Flopping two grenades out before grabbing the roof, riding Doe hard, "What ... comes ... after ... heli ... copters !?

('Hoover Music' by PE)

Smoke pours out from the underground lot. Six SUVs in single file, high shocks, bounce and sway through the turns, while agents in sunglasses hang out the side windows with launchers, smoke grenade.

Nocturne and Doe swing another turn, side banging against the wreckage from the last pass, grenades fling, bobbing head, destruction behind.

The cloud of smoke passes the city streets, spinning cars crashed out of their way ...

A rocket launcher flops out and she launches. The rocket sticks into the hood of a patrol car, spinning it out of control with it's engine burn and into those around until the explosion far behind.

The car chase passes the intersection, the SUVs nearing the turn onto the loop when the light goes red and they all screech into minor crashes.

As the smoke clears the little old lady crosses the walk in front on them with her headphones on ('Do You Wanna Go Our Way' by PE), sack of money over her shoulder, blunt hanging.

She stops and turns to them, Agents pop slowly through the sunroofs ...

She keeps on walking ... they lower.

The light turns (back to 'Hoover Music'), they tear off past her into the wave of patrol cars.

Nocturne - Looking down the line, "What the fuck ... ?"

An officer glances up at the rear view and sees the cloud of smoke, cars flipping and spinning away from it's path.

An Agent through the front sunroof raises binoculars to his sunglasses, Nocturne seen waving and trying to shout something.

He pulls out a 'Sonic Ear' (like a megaphone you put to your ear, we had them when we were kids) and points it at her.

Nocturne - Screeching through through explosions and static, "About fucking time bitches !  Come lick my fucking ..."  feedback sound.

He pulls the ear-piece, furrows his brow and points his arm forward while they all speed crashing through the patrols.

Nocturne focuses her goggles as the distant smoke clears, agents hanging from all the windows with launchers from the bobbing SUVs (fast zoom to jogging trackers, fast pullout to all six SUVs in the smoke).

Seen from a camera on it's side in the grass, Trucker Bob wakes drenched in a field near the mall, hugging a jug marked 'X'.

Stumbling up and feeling his neck, he smells himself, then the jug, "... fucking everclear ... ! Again !"

He corks it, throws it down in the grass and stomps off.

Returns and grabs it, leaves again.

Doe - "Nocturne !"

Nocturne - About to throw a throwing star, "What ?"

Doe - "Nocturne !"

Nocturne - "What !?"

Doe - "Nocturne !"

Nocturne - "! What !?"

Doe - "Turn around !"

She turns as the front of their car bumps the back of a patrol car, the driver turning his head and panic swerving.

Nocturne - "Oh ... my ... God ... it's so ... beautiful ...

The view goes to the entire loop filled, SUVs on tail, one long parade in a circle and back to their car.

Doe - "Merry X, Babe. I love you."

Nocturne - With a smiling glow, loading and packing gear, grenades clipped on, "... i know you really really do ..." She looks at him and smiles shy, "You too."

She kisses him hard and springs out from the sunroof as they pass the news team.

('Red Hot Mama' by Funkadelic)

A slow time twisting flip from the sunroof, emptying the grenade launcher clips and letting them fall, pulling her sword.  Grenades travel their slow paths to six traveling SUV sunroofs, agents launching slow trails back, six more from Nocturne dispersed among the front three lines of patrol cars.

The news camera follows her with the onlookers' wide eyes as she arcs ...

She lands hard in real time while the grenades hit mark, sticking her sword into the concrete, front car slamming it through, cutting to the engine block while she holds it upright, sharing the tension with the ground.

! The crowd cheers on !

She smiles while one after the other, the blade shakes with the crashing sound.

She pulls her sword from the ground and wreck when the hits stop coming.

~ Doe pounds through the patrol cars from behind with the fletchet cannon, flipping them to sides and spinning in his path through the amassed wreckage.

She climbs the mass, seeing the cars lined up past the created wall.  Officers exit cars, prepping guns and cover, helicopters whirling over, side-mounts arming.

She looks around in silence ...

On the left side of the screen scrolls lists of those killed unlawfully by the police with a brief description of the incident as each one goes down.

Leaps from the pile when the helicopters pull trigger, drawing on the front line at the bottom, then up to the pilots when she's landed.  She starts walking while they spin to the sides out of control, finishing the gunners on the way down. She turns to those drawing guns on the ground.

~ Doe pounds with the fletchet ...

Nocturne walks ... the list.