~ three

~ chapter two ~ part three ~

Priest and the Guardsman turn back behind at the sound of distant bombers.

Guardsman - A laugh, "Cleared of civilians.  Looks like we might have missed some nazis though."

Priest - "Boom."

('Mass Appeal' by Gang Starr)

~ The bombs fall from the row of heavies, targeting from inside down the drop, infrared and distance spotting views through the mix.

The Nocturnes fan out with the lighting across the field, assassin strikes, one after the next, absorbing the kills and moving on, never one hitting the same twice.

~ The bombs start hitting.

The gamers all curse in frustration ...

A selection screen, Nocturne 8 bit dancing.

~ falling down the street, the explosions crumbling the buildings inward ...

Aedera - Checking zoom on her pad, a soldier's gear red-lit, "One of your soldiers seems ... distressed.  He appears responsive to the beasts.  He can see them.  He is ... not well."

General - Taking the pad, checking, "Dear God I know that kid ... what the hell is he doing in a simulation like this ?"  Pulling the view out, nearby enemy.

He leans over his monitor with the drone control

General - Peering over the edge, "He cannot handle it."

He looks up and back from the monitor.

General - Jumping over the rail, "Armor me !"

A blast hits from the sky, Aedera peers over the edge as the general speeds off riding the drone with the control, a specialized field armor, full cannon firing into a turning swarm.

Nocturnes striking across the field, until none other left, then in a flash, all gone.

The gamers look up angrily in the smokey basement.

Vincent - "Every fucking time we play together."

Mike - "Is awesome."  Passes the blunt.

The all look around ... and agree.  A strange sound comes with a bang and hums from their Game-Bricks, they look down to a plasma blue glow ...

The general flies over field on the drone working the controls desperately.  His vision blurs patches followed by a faint flash, he squints his eyes to see clearly. 

His phone rings, he looks annoyed, works the control one hand while putting in an ear-piece, returning to control.

General - "Yah !"

Aedera - "Earbud ?"

General - "Yah !"

Aedera - "Your armor.  It requires your permission for neural integration."

General - "Kay !  Gimme !"

He grits his teeth, a static covers him momentarily.

Aedera - "And we're sending  Er'elim.  They will be comfort to him against what he sees."

General - "Who !?"

Aedera - "Angels."

General - "Good !"

He jumps off the drone, crashing it into the patrol, turns and throws the controller behind and another one's lead.  In the turn spins the view to the demons swarming above, the huddled soldier seeing it all.

Back cannons ward off the main flier coming in, he pulls his radio, "Beach Head Guard !  I need one soldier evac asap, my location !"  He turns to the soldier. "Don't worry son.  We got you."

He pulls his pistol and fires into the charging patrol.

('My Disco' by Big Black)

General - "! What the hell is that noise !?"

Gijo - (earbud) "Hi !  This is customer service and that is our mood music."

General - Firing into a charge, low spin under shots and into the lead, tackled into the next.  "Why !?"

Gijo - "That's command armor man.  It's in your head."

General - "Noticed !  Why !"

Gijo - "Think of it like a trope.  I'm a nagging female voice judging your every move !  It's very common in your digital simulations, which I find fascinating.  Just trying to make you happy man ... so I can't help notice you you didn't fucking eat food today."

In the gunner chair, her feet on the cannon, filing her nails.

General - On comm, "I had coffee !"

Gijo - "Mm hm, mm hm.  That's because you didn't sleep.  You're on mission you know.  Your adrenals are all fucked up now.  Had to up the testosterone and the endorphins to balance  that and give a nice flow ... to ya."

She waits thinking during the sound of gunshots ...

Gijo - "Won't feel much pain either ... until later ... but that's also why you're freaking the fuck out and yelling at me.  Practically tripping balls."

General - Cracking bone and honk sounds, "I'm !  Not !  ! Yelling !"  Exhales with the drop of a body 'thump'.   Breathing hard, "That was a joke by the way."

Gijo - "I know.  You have another wave coming.  It's horrible.  So you need me to monitor you while you take care of that.  Walk walk walkin' ya through your new styles.  Angels en route, pickup en route, and I don't think I've ever seen a demon quite that big before, given the gate I'm seeing ... and I've seen ... some ..."

Aedera - Cutting in, "Ooo ... I think his name is Abaddon."

Gijo - "So how's that feel down there ?  For the record."

General - A giant beast rising over near covered in smaller, "Skin crawling ... every part of my brain electrically activated all the way down my spine and into every muscle and also very aware of a certain direction I don't want to look, but have to.  It's much too up."

He puts a blindfold on the soldier, a natural cringe to a deeply intoned roar, behind him the smaller beasts fly from the body.

General - "Just hang on.  We've got you.  Evac's on it's way."

He starts gathering weapons and ammo, nazi clowns moving in the distance, he pulls out the radio.

Gijo - "Your heart rate's up.  You seem stressed."

General - Into the radio, "Beach head !  How long !?"

('A Love Bizarre' by Sheila E and Prince)

Gijo - "Do you need to pee ?"

Beach Head Comm - "Departing 20 seconds !"

Gijo - "You're totally fucked you know."

Lightning strike Abaddon as the angels enter in sonic booms, the majority turning for the swarm surrounding him.  Ten drop to the ground before the blindfolded soldier, three putting up their four wings and crouching to make a dome circling the soldier and a fourth.  The rest protect.

Surrounding Abaddon, the attacking angels open their mouths with a plasma like fire.

~ The helicopter turns to take off, dragons charge beneath, a fleet of wrecked hulls lift from the water dropping their excess.

Inside the the dome, the angel lifts the blindfold, pulls up the soldiers hands, "Pray with me."

The Ezekiel machine pulls itself from the ground, heads turning on axis, stopping at man to breath a heavy blast.

The general spins with two rifles firing angled sideways, their pull guiding the maneuvers.

Gijo - Eating movie popcorn, "Welcome to gun-blade 101.  Just remember the straight-shot's like a fencer's thrust.  Thrust then shoot.  Let it guide a finishing sweep for the confirmed kill, other weapon."

The general thrusts a shot to the distance, shoots dropping the forward, following with a sweep across the line, throws down the empty in his left and pulls a pistol.

Gijo - Slurping soda, "Spanish Ren. sword and dagger style.  Do.  Work that alphabet, girl."  (there are possibly less than a hundred people in the world who will understand that)

~ The helicopter flies through the warzone, dragons beneath, tackling what beasts are found, warplane wreck cross fire flying over to clear the sky.  Behind, the destroyers loom, focus on the heavies.

General - Kicks back a nazi clown, then a pistol shot pulling a sweeping spin from the other rifle.  "How do we kill it ?!"

Gijo - Mouth full, "If by we you mean they, then _you_ watch _them_ destroy the heart.  It's the only part that's technically real."  Slurp.

The last charge down, the general runs and jumps off the hood of a nearby car, catching an observing drone.

A random monster in the crowd (Dealer Mike) with his friends (the gamers in make-up) jumps back from his monitor, controller in it's hand.

General - Upside down close into the monitor as he leans over the drone came, "Through it's God Damned Heart, Soldier !"

The monster looks around at his friends, the surrounding crowd, they all smile nodding, he leans in.

Gijo - Choking, "Well if you want to crash and burn, that's a good way to do it.  Your advantage being he barely notices you because of how pathetic you are.  Don't let him touch you or the drone's probably gonna fry."

General - "Can he down that chopper ?"

Gijo - "Yah !  And he can down you too !"

~ The helicopter continues, the dragons climbing the buildings in their charge, their vertical become horizontal, knocking the crawlers off their fire at the chopper's pass.

~ (clockwise turn ... with the helicopter in the middle it makes a monogram which contains all the letters of my full name ... eating demons ... doop-de-dooo ...)

The drone tries to sweep in for the heart, general's armor firing from the back to clear swarm, Abaddon notices and tries to sweep with a hand, diverting their course.

Angels continue their same attempts, blocked by swarm.

The controller monster is wide eyed at the screen, surrounding monsters cheering and groaning along.

~ The beast is seen (unseen) through the helicopter's windshield in the distance blocking, dragons charge, destroyers and planes pull ahead.

The drone makes another pass, the circling battleships spotting and move to distract, blasting an eye to a roar.

The monsters chant and cheer all around the drone controller, lost in focus.

~ The rescue team near.

The general pulls the armor's sword, thrust forward as the drone passes through the heart.  (Song ends at first break, 'On the one' at 5:40)

The drone fizzles spinning off, the general another way, Abaddon falls back and fades to a gusting mist across the streets on impact.

~ A wild crowd.


~ The helicopter lands in normal view.


~ Loading the soldier.


~ Takes off.